PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected Error (I Found Permanent Fix) in 2023

Are you encountering the dreaded “PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected” error whenever you just try to dive into your gaming universe? The error message is like playing hide and seek, one moment you see that the error “PS5 LAN cable disconnected” appears on your screen, and the next moment you see that “LAN cable is connected.” This goes in a loop and causes the inability to play any games. 

For many users, this problem happens when they play online games while for others, this happens every now and then whatever they’re doing. 

Generally, the error message “PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected” may appear due to software issues. However, a hardware problem can’t be ignored as the error can also appear due to this! Software problems may include a poor or unstable internet connection, an outdated software version of the console, corrupted cache files, or databases. While as a hardware problem, you can consider a loose LAN port, a faulty LAN cable, or a damaged cable connector.

People are pretty confused about why this error or problem is appearing and what they should do to get rid of this! 

Luckily, I have many simple ways that can easily fix this issue without any cost. 

So let’s dive right in and see what simple steps can save your dollars and fix the problem easily! 

How to fix PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected error in 2023?

How to fix PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected?
How to fix PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected?

To fix PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected error permanently, replacement of your cable could be a good move, but before that, you can do some very quick and easy steps such as updating the software of your console, rebuilding the database, clearing the console cache, switching between ports, and troubleshooting your internet connection. These simple steps can save you money and time also! 

Don’t worry, I will guide you with all these simple steps right in this guide, you just have to be with me! Let’s start with the first simple step that you should do! 

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Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection 

As the error message says- “LAN Cable Disconnected”, it possibly can be due to a poor or unstable internet connection. So, to fix the issue, you should first troubleshoot your internet connection. Once you troubleshoot your internet issues, probably the error would not display again (if it was really due to an improper internet connection).

So, just restart your router and reconnect your console to your internet. Internet connection troubleshooting includes two main activities: power cycling your router and updating your router’s firmware.

1- Power Cycle your Router

In this, just turn off your router by pressing the power button on it and then leave it for a few seconds. After that, unplug all the cables and wires from it, and leave the router for the next few minutes (at least 5 minutes). Now, reconnect all the wires and cables and turn the router On. Once the router shows two or three yellow lights on it, connect the console and try playing your game.

See if the issue has been solved or not. If you still see the ‘LAN cable disconnected’ message, do the next thing!

2- Update Your Router’s Firmware 

Also, you can check any updates for your router firmware. If there is any update, update it and reconnect the console. The internet problem should be solved now. 

I use a Netgear router and below I am going to meet the steps to update your Netgear router firmware to its latest version, and you can follow according to your router.

Here are the steps to update the Netgear firmware:

  • Use an Ethernet cable and connect your PC or laptop to the router.
  • Open your web browser on your device and type the router’s IP address in the address bar (Default, IP addresses are usually or
  • Once the admin page is opened, enter your login credentials when prompted. You can use the default username as “admin,” and the default password as “password.” If you have custom login details, enter the details and log in.
  • Once you are logged in successfully, go to the “Advanced” or “Administration” tab and then click on “Firmware Update” or “Router Update.”
  • If there is a new firmware version available for your router, you will see it here by clicking on the “Check” or “Check for Update” option.
  • Once you see an update, click on the “Download” or “Update” button to start the update process.
  • Wait until the update process is completed. Don’t turn off the router or unplug the Ethernet cable during the update process, if you do this, it can cause permanent damage to the router.
  • Once the update process is completed, the router will start rebooting automatically.
  • After the reboot, log in to the router again to see if the firmware has been successfully updated or not.

Note- It is very important to keep your router’s firmware up-to-date to ensure its smooth functioning and also protect it against major security vulnerabilities.

If you have done these two steps and are still facing the same issue, move to the next effortless action! 

Power Cycle Your Console

To fix the temporary problem with your console, it is best practice to power cycle it. I think you would know how to power cycle your console, if not, here’s how:

Press the power button on your PS5 console to turn it OFF completely and once it is Off, remove all the cables and wires connected to it including the cable from the power outlet. Now, wait for 2 minutes until all the power from the console isn’t drained out completely. After that, replug the wires and cables and turn your console On.

If this fixes the problem, that would be great news!

But, if you are still experiencing the issue, try the next way which helped many users!

Update Your Console’s Software in Safe Boot Mode

A lot of users were able to fix the ‘LAN cable disconnected’ error by updating their console firmware. So, you can also check whether the issue is happening to you because of the outdated software of your console or not.

I always recommend updating your Console’s firmware in safe boot mode so that it can’t harm anything. Once you are in safe mode, you can troubleshoot any issues you are experiencing with your PS5 console. You may rebuild the database, update the system software, or restore default settings.  

So, to boot your console in a safe mode, you have to perform these steps first:

  • Turn off your PS5 console: to do this, press and hold the power button until you hear two beeps, and the console powers down.
  • Once the console is fully off, wait for a few seconds, and then press and hold the power button once again to turn it On (You will hear one beep).
  • Now, continue holding the power button until you hear a second beep. This should take around 6 to 7 seconds.
  • Next, release the power button after you hear the second beep, and your PS5 console will start up in safe mode.

Next, perform the following steps to update your Console’s firmware: 

  • From the safe boot menu, click on the option ‘Update System Software’ and then select the ‘Update from Internet’ option from the next page.
  • Now, from the next page, select ‘Update’. As you select this option, your console will restart and start updating. 
  • Wait, until the process is completed and once it is done, the error message ‘Lan Cable Disconnected’ will not appear again. 

If the message is still there, the next workaround could help you as it helped many others. 

Clear System Software Cache & Rebuild Database

Rebuilding the PS5 database has also proven a very important way to fix the PS LAN Cable Disconnected issue for many users. However, it sounds very technical “Rebuilding Database” but, it is very easy and doesn’t need any technical skills to do this! Also, doing this will not delete any of your apps or files, so don’t worry, this will fix the problem- without deleting any prior apps, downloaded files, or games.

Here are the steps to do this very quickly:

Rebuild PS5 Database to fix PS5 LAN cable Disconnected issue
Rebuild PS5 Database to fix PS5 LAN cable Disconnected issue
  • First, go to the safe boot menu (as told earlier), and then from this menu, select the ‘Clear Cache and Rebuild Database’ option. 
  • Once you click on this option, you will see 2 next options on the next page- ‘Clear System Software Cache’ and ‘Rebuild Database’. 
  • Click on the second option which is- ‘Rebuild Database’. 

Let the process complete successfully and wait. Once it is completed, the problem ‘PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected’ will resolve.

Sometimes, some corrupted cache files still remain unrepairable, even after updating the system software and rebuilding the database, in such cases, the issue ‘PS5 LAN Cable Disconencted’ could appear. So, clearing such files would be a great step to fix the problem. So, go back and select the option- “Clear System Software Cache.” 

Once these two- ‘Rebuilding Database & Clearing Cache’ has been done successfully, the problem would be resolved, and you wouldn’t see it again.

Restore Default Settings in Safe Boot Mode

This also is a considered way to fix the issue ‘LAN Cable disconnected on PS5’. Many users have resolved the problem by doing this and luckily, this also doesn’t need any technical skill. 

Doing this will not erase your files and apps, only settings and configurations will be restored to the default.

As it is mentioned in the heading, you would need to boot your console into Safe mode first, and once it is done, click on ‘Restore default settings’. After that, select confirm for the process to proceed.

Wait until the settings are stored to the default, and once it is done, the issue should be fixed!

Switch to a Different LAN Port

Switch The LAN Cable to a Different LAN Port

This simple task may resolve the issue permanently as the LAN port on your router in which the cable is inserted could be loose and when you switch the port, the cable would fit tight the second time. Since PS5 has only one LAN port, so you have to unplug and replug the LAN cable carefully. Doing this perfectly can resolve the PS5 LAN cable disconnected issue.

Once you have done this and the issue is fixed, you can repair or change your router’s loose or defective port so that in the future, if you need that, you can use it. 

Change The LAN Cable

Change faulty LAN Cable
Change faulty LAN Cable

Somehow, if switching the LAN cable port doesn’t work, you can go for changing the cable. A new cable that fits fine into the port could be one of the best possible solutions to fix the ‘PS5 LAN cable disconnected’ issue if- your internet is good, you have cleared the cache & rebuild the database, you have updated your console’s firmware, and have restored the default Settings in safe boot mode but nothing has helped. 

However, as a trick, you can use some kind of paper to tighten the cable, but if you want a permanent solution, then I would recommend changing your faulty cable to a new one.

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Bottom Lines

There are various proven ways that can easily fix the ‘PS5 LAN Cable Disconencted’ issue. All of the above ways have helped many users and saved hours of time and money. 

Here are the ways to fix PS5 LAN Cable disconnected issue:

  1. Troubleshoot your internet connection (Power cycle your Router and update its firmware).
  1. Power Cycle Your Console.
  1. Update Your PS5 Console’s Software in Safe Boot Mode.
  1. Clear System Software Cache & Rebuild Database.
  1. Restore Default Settings in Safe Boot Mode.
  1. Switch The LAN Cable to a Different LAN Port (The port could be loosening).
  1. Change The LAN Cable (It could be faulty).
  1. Contcat PlayStation Support.

I hope, one of these ways will definitely work for you! Thanks!

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